Friday, 20 August 2010

1952 Cadillac finished

Well the Cadillac is finished subject to her owners approval. I'm just waiting for him to get back to me. Hopefully he'll like her.

Next commission is a Black Labrador which I'm hoping to start on Monday.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

1952 Cadillac

This is where I got upto yesterday. Ideally I'd like to finish this today but there's alot of chrome work left to do which is slow going.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

1952 Cadillac

Here's the latest commission in progress, a 1952 Cadillac.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Cow finished

I've now got the new computer so can post the photo of the finished cow. She's called Deepdale Raquel and is a Simmental. Ireally enjoy doing the cows, hopefully I'll get some more commissions.

Next is another car. A Cadillac this time. I'm not sure what year it is yet though.

Friday, 13 August 2010


Where do I start. Chrysler is finished and on my website I can't post it here as I've had a disaster with my laptop. Pip with his waggy tail knocked a glass of wine over it and I've taken it to the computer shop where its been stripped down, cleaned and rebuilt and still doesn't work. Luckily the hard drive is ok so when I get a new laptop all will be transferred. Hence no access to photos that were stored on it.

I've made a start on the next commission, which is almost finished to be honest. A Simmental cow. Looking good even if I do say so myself.

New meds still progressing well. I've been on it three weeks today, lost 10lbs so far and blood sugars are fab!!! Had some headaches this week but putting that down to stress.

Hope everyone is well and enjoy your weekend.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


Good progress again today on the Chrysler. Hopefully she'll be finished tomorrow.

Next commission is another cow which I'm really looking forward to starting.

Monday, 2 August 2010


I've managed to get quite a bit done today so hopefully it'll be finished in the next few days.